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Romsey Abbey
Graffiti and Inventory Project
St Basil the Great
Detail from one of three faces
taken from a donated icon.
Location code: G-G11-N8

Abbey Graffiti and Inventory Project
This project commenced May 2015.
The Aim: To compile a comprehesive photographic record of the graffiti, architectural details, artefacts and contents of the Abbey.
The Progress: 9,000 digital images have been recorded along the
clerestory galleries and on the groundfloor.
Current Work: Sorting - Editing - Cataloguing - Location Coding.
Next Phase: Further photography to be continued, information to be written into text file and linked to each photograph.
Help needed: Volunteers required to research and write 50 words of background information for groups of photographs.
Final Phase: To create collections under various headings and deposit them with Romsey Abbey, Hampshire Record Office, LTVAS and other Historical Archives. A small selection will be showcased on a website.
Scroll down to preview just a few of the thousands of photographs that will form the
Abbey Inventory Collection
Best viewed on computer, laptop or tablet.
Preview - For restricted distribution only

Scuptures and windows

Click any image to enlarge

This detail from the Christus Rex, was sculpted in wood by Peter Eugene Ball in 2013 Location code:- G- D15- E8

Altar light Romsey Abbey Location code: G-G15-N8

A detail from the stained glass window in the east wall of Romsey Abbey Location code: G-F15-E5


One of many graffiti depicting a church or a tent with a campaign banner. 1771 AD Location Code G-D2-S7

This group of graffiti is to be found high on the north wall of the North Transept where there was once a gallery of pews. Location Code:- G-B10-N3

This 1663 A.D. graffito is one of the oldest to be found along the north west gallery of the clerestory. Location code : C-D02-S4-X

A patterned section from the
15th century Abbey Cope


Memorials and

of the
Building and its

The Romsey Abbess Seal on display near the gift shop. Location code: G-D2- W9

Sample of one of the scores of cross-stitched kneelers produced in 1974

Detail of workmanship around the lock clasp on a wooden chest in the north transept
Click any image to enlarge

Proposed sub-collections
Artefacts Architecture
Stained Glass
A valuable historic record for future generations

Column capital hidden from view at clerestory level. LocationCode:- C-G04-N2

Column Capital -LocationCode not yet allocated.

Column capital hidden at clerestory level. LocationCode:-C-G03-N2

Column Capital -LocationCode not yet allocated.
Floorplan system used for the location codes

Location codes are based on A-K and 01-16 coordinates of floor plan, followed by a compass orientated 1-9 elevation grid plan. Eg:- The memorial plaque for Rev Williams to the left of the gift shop is referenced G-D10-E1

Location codes are based on A-K and 01-16 coordinates of floor plan, followed by a compass orientated 1-9 elevation grid plan. Eg:- Column capital hidden from view at clerestory level is referenced as LocationCode:- C-G04-N2