The Corbel and Grotesque Collection
Photographic galleries of the fascinating corbels and grotesques of Romsey Abbey can be seen here by clicking onto either the green tabs above or by clicking onto any of the five illustrations below - the green line indicates which area the corbels are located at.
Each gallery of photographs includes a plan with individual green buttons highlighting the various corbel tables.
Clicking any of the green buttons on the plans will take you to a further gallery of photographs.
Click any photograph to enlarge it and reveal any text.
The five areas of the abbey highlighted in the illustrations below, contain a total of 375 corbels arranged in 56 groups
You are invited to send any additional information about the corbels to webmaster Roy Romsey via romseyhistory@ltvas.org.uk
By doing so you will add a new dimension to the collection.

Romsey Abbey - UK
Corbels -Lower South Level
Thanks are given for the help from David Johnson and for advise given by Frank Green, Michael Drury, Jeffery Higgins, Colin Moretti and members of the Romsey History Society.
Corbels at Romsey Abbey
painting by Rex Trayhorne

Site last updated 30th June 2020
This Website is best viewed on a laptop or tablet.