The Corbel Project and its Author
The author of this website and its contents is Roy Romsey. He was born within a stone's throw of Romsey Abbey at Abbey Water, but it was not until his return from many years of overseas travel and a casual membership of the local history group in 2014 that he developed a deeper interest in the history of Romsey and its Abbey.
The Corbel Project was started as a refreshing break from his attemps at writing 30 short storys over the winter of 2013/14, and has proved a catylyst for further photographic projects within the abbey: its graffiti, stainglass windows, memorials, capitals and artifacts; all of which will in due course have their own devoted websites.
In addition to giving background information to the corbels along with a few interesting stonemason tales, the websitesite also shows approximately 500 photographs and their locations. there are 56 corbel tables on the ground floor and upper level, and over 400 close-ups of individual corbels.
Since publishing this corbel website, Roy, has taken a further 9,000 images for a Graffiti and inventory project during the summer of 2015. Alec Morley assisted with the important task of recording the location of each photograph, - a further 2-3,000 images still await to be taken. he has published a taster website here.
The winter of 2016/17 will be spent editing and adding data to each photograph in readiness for new searchable websites to be created.
Watch this space.

Corbels at Romsey Abbey
painting by Rex Trayhorne

Site last updated 30th June 2020
This Website is best viewed on a laptop or tablet.